AHIP: 10 Key Areas to Improve Health Care Competition and Promote Greater Access and Affordability

  1. Support consumer-centric expansion of home-based advanced care through value-based care and payment models
  2. Bring much-needed transparency to private equity firms' monopoly power in air ambulance
  3. emergency
  4. and certain specialty services
  5. Advance site-neutral payments to defend consumers against having to pay more for the same services depending on the site of care
  6. Support patients' choice of telehealth
  7. when clinically appropriate
  8. as a less costly and more convenient method of care
  9. Address the harms caused by dialysis duopoly by preventing its expansion
  10. removing barriers to care alternatives
  11. and curbing the use of charitable structures to fortify the duopoly
  12. Stop consolidated health systems from using their monopoly position to stifle negotiation and innovation through the use of all-or-nothing
  13. anti-tiering
  14. and other take-it-or-leave-it contract terms
  15. Accelerate the availability of prescription drug biosimilars to ensure that the pace of access matches the pace of innovation
  16. Stop drug manufacturers from engaging in patent games that distort the system to maintain monopoly profits.
  17. Reform the system for provider-acquired drugs
  18. Address the ways in which drug manufacturers have abused charitable structures to protect their monopolies
  19. rather than help patients.

Source: AHIP Launches New Policy Roadmap to Create Healthier Markets, Improve Health Care Affordability and Access for Every American, May 17, 2022 - https://www.ahip.org/news/press-releases/ahip-launches-new-policy-roadmap-to-cr…